Werkling is connecting future-ready leaders with exceptional on-demand talent.

Meet Michelle, the founder of Werkling - who’s on a mission to make the professional gig economy a little more human.

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1. What problem is Werkling solving right now?
Werkling helps businesses realise their big, bold growth ambitions by hooking them up with on-demand talent. Trusted, peer-recommended and affordable on-demand talent. You know … freelancers, independent consultants and the like!

For start-ups, desperately needing additional capabilities but not being in the position to fund permanent roles is a huge pain point.

Founders also know that their ‘people needs’ are going to continue to evolve. What they need today isn’t what they’ll need tomorrow! Start-ups can’t grow alone. The gap between the current state and that future org chart—with marketing, people and culture, strategy and CX to name a few—can feel epic! This is where Werkling can help.

2. What is the biggest change you see in the way professionals manage their careers today?
We see more and more top talent opting out of the traditional “employee/employer work model.” People want to design their work and life in a way that helps them be their best self. They want to work on projects they’re passionate about, jump into opportunities where they can add value and partner with organisations who are thinking differently about the ‘how’ of work.

This is one of the reasons that we started Werkling! We saw amazingly talented professionals opting out of in-house roles and stepping into portfolio or professional gig careers.

3. What’s one piece of advice you’d like to give startups?
You are an innovator! Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that the work that needs doing automatically equals one permanent, full time job. Stay nimble; bring in the right people at the right time to help you scale. Consider how you strategically design the work and tap into different talent pools. Avoid that stale, corporate thinking.

If the capability isn’t in your area of expertise (like if you’re a techie founder who needs to get social media savvy), reach out to your network or book in a free Micro Consult with Werkling. We’re always happy to help future-ready founders.


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